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Tune In : Tune Out


Postnatal Repair

No one needs to tell you the huge toll being a Baby-Uber for 9 months can have on the body! Our classes are designed to be safe and restorative for the postnatal body with corrective pelvic floor exercises embeded in the program and abdominal separation management. This is the best way to make friends with your new body!


Mindfulness for Mums

We all deserve freedom.

Freedom from responsibility, the noise, the rush, the go go go.

Through mindful movement you can create an inner sanctuary...

and get great buns too!

We'll help you tune in, so you can tune out!


Me - Time

Self-care.... so tricky because it's just another thing you need to do. Put the to do list down and let us guide you through your practice. This doesn't mean it will be easy, but it will be fun! We'll work hard enough to get the endorphins going and your face feeling flushed. At Umoya, we call it the Bliss!


I love & look forward to every class & don’t see Pilates as a chore but some me time! Big plus is I no longer get random backaches & my posture has improved (my grandma is very happy about this haha)!
Thank you Umoya for introducing me to the world of Pilates!

Find Us


Suite 4 

69 Carlton Crescent 

Summer Hill 



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